History repeats itself and with Air India, it cannot be truer. With the Tata’s winning the bid session of Air India, this state-run airline again returns to its roots. Tata Sons won the bid at a value of Rs.18,000 crore for 100% equity shares on Friday, October 8. This debt amount included `15,000...
Bhutan Airlines, Bhutan’s first private airline came into existence after the Tashi Group of Companies outbid other joint venture companies and won the license to operate the airline. Today, Bhutan Airlines operates with two A319 aircrafts with a seating capacity of 122 passengers each. The airlin...
Till 2005-06, the Indian Airlines and Air India (AI) had been running profitably. These two organisations were merged into AI in 2007. It is seen that between 2007-08 and 2012, AI suffered heavy financial loss. In 2012, the government went for a turnaround plan for AI. In 2011-12, AI had loss of Rs&...