On April 29, 1999, Jessica Lal, a model working part-time as a bar waitress was murdered at a party by Manu Sharma, the son of a politician in Delhi, as Lal refused to serve him liquor at the party after midnight. Though the police arrested Sharma and his friends, most witnesses turned hostile...
The Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897, invoked by the central and state governments to combat the threat of COVID-19 is a special law, empowering the government to adopt special measures and enforce stringent policies to prevent the outbreak of dangerous epidemic diseases. This legislation, which empowers...
Delay in disposal of court cases is one of the major problems faced in India. The phrase ‘justice delayed is justice denied’ is appropriately applicable to the Indian judicial system which may break down any day. Public unrest may explode against the so called four walled judiciary. People have ...