On September 17, 2023 Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the PM Viswakarma Scheme, drawing inspiration from Viswakarma, the divine architect and master craftsman in Hindu mythology. This scheme is fully funded by the central government, with a total allocation of `13,000 crore. The primary obj...
Gajendra Singh ShekhawatAgriculture is a key sector in India and it employs around 52% of our population. The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare implements the rules, regulations, and laws related to the agricultural sector in India. The department’s ambit covers agriculture, food process...
The Chamber of Indian Trade & Industry submits a memorandum to control air pollutionIn November 2017, air pollution in Delhi spiked beyond acceptable levels. Levels of PM 2.5 and PM 10 particulate matter hit 999 micrograms per cubic metre, while the safe limits for those pollutants are 60 and 10...
We all aspire to make money and lead a lavish life. But it is not easy. One needs to have enthusiasm, skill, courage to take risk and most importantly good networking ability. In India we have a lot of enthusiastic young minds who aspire to become rich but many of their great ideas come to not...