

January , 2022
IN A DISTANT TIME – A ballad of the three wise men
22:58 pm

Sunil Kanoria

Dr. Sanjeev Kanoria
In a distant time. 
Under the snowy, 
Himalayan peaks. 
Night charcoal dark, 
a single shining star.
Three sages come together, 
To confer and to meet.
All do concur the shining star,
does lead the way to a virgin mother.
To a child, whose birth the sages await, 
for many a century,
with baited a breath.
The dark sage, naked as the night,
Hair matted in snaky coils,
Beard twisted in tiny tails,
Hiding the immortal myrrh. 
The silent yogi, clad in orange robe,
Under his tawny arms, 
a bag full of rare incense, 
from deep Himalayan caves. 
Shining in the dark night, 
In his silky white robe, 
The tall priest,
Clutched his precious treasure, 
Of pink rare gold. 
Over dark ravines, 
Overhanging cliffs, 
Through raging chilly water, 
Deep marsh, and 
Sandy desert, the three then walked.
In silence with their precious trove,  
To meet the divine child,
Whose destiny they knew. 
with gifts to comfort the virgin mother, 
For the future only they now knew. 
The single silvery star, 
Shone brightly where the child, 
Against gentle mary’s bosom, 
Soothingly did lie. 
No sign of fright, 
No wailing cry, 
The saintly child with 
A smiling, knowing eye, 
Welcomed the distant men. 
The wary mother,  
With her steely stare, 
Made them aware, 
Not to come near. 
Tears dropping, the naked sage, 
The toned yogi, the silent saint, 
Held the myrrh, the incense and the gold,
For the unwary mother. 
to store and to keep, 
for she would need, 
in a distant future, 
to soothe 
and salve the son, 
whose destiny she could not foresee. 
The child divine, 
Knowing all, with gentle touch, 
The wet cheeks - caress, 
Tiny pull on the beard coil, 
To assure and confirm, 
His fate he knew,  
To nail on the cross, 
For the message delivery, 
Of his father beloved -
Love, love, love. 
To a cruel world, 
Where love was forgone,  
And men had forgotten, 
for beasts only ruled. 
The child divine, Smiled a blessing,
A warm tear fell on its little finger, 
The sage then heard his silent voice, 
“dear ones, I come only to bring, 
a simple message of my father, 
Love, love and love alone, 
Will take my creation further,
Anger, hate and lust must leave, 
To Walk in love alone, 
My sacrifice is deemed, 
To wake up men, 
To know the God within, 
And the Love to feel. “ 
In one word - 
The three then spoke,
"Sweet mother,
Thy son a great yogi,
Has come to deliver,
A message supreme
From our father dear,
Love, love and love alone
Shall deliver,
Man from vile hate.
For this message unique,
Shall he suffer,
A fate terrible.
So mother dear,
Send him to those snowy
When he sprouts hair
On his cheeks.
There shall we train and
teach him,
all He need know,
To be one with the father,
Before his body is no more.”
Note – a long Christmas meditation at the Chiltern street church of all religions. 
As my concentration deepened on the holy occasion of the birth of a great soul these words were welling from an unknown depth and I wrote them as they came.  Jesus did not belong to a single religion, he belonged to the planet and his simple message of love and forgiveness has changed the lives of millions.   His biggest miracle was his forgiveness to his tormentors as he died on the cross.   There was no vengeance, no anger, only love and forgiveness.  Humanity will only evolve further when that simple message is embraced in its entirety. 
Twelve years of Jesus' life from the age of 14 to 26 is not known.   A German historian has traced his path over the Himalayas to Varanasi.  It is believed he spent time with the Himalayan yogis perfecting techniques of mind control and deep meditation to disconnect from the body and learning about the vedic sciences. 
The influence of vedic thoughts and sciences in the Bible is apparent to anyone who is a scholar of Vedic sciences.  In the dark ages in which Jesus was born, he had to adapt these thoughts and his experiences in simple messages and parables and imagery.

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