Professor Sabyasachi Bhattacharya is among those academicians who could create an everlasting place in the minds of his associates and students. He was the Vice-Chancellor of Visva-Bharati University from 1991 to 1995. After that, he taught as a professor of History at Jawaharlal Nehru University (1996-2003). He was also the Chairman of the Indian Council of Historical Research (2007-2011).
He held research and teaching positions at St Antony’s College at Oxford, the University of Chicago, and El Colegio De Mexico as well.
As a mentor he stood beside many scholars in their endeavours. After his demise, one of his students, Ishanee Mukherjee, who completed her Ph.D. dissertation under his guidance, stated that she was able to push her boundaries and rediscovered herself and her work because of Prof. Bhattacharya.
He was a prolific writer. His authored books include Talking Back: The Idea of Civilisation in the Indian National Discourse, Vandemataram: The Biography of a Song, Rabindranath Tagore: An Interpretation, The Defining Moments in Bengal -1920-47, The Colonial State: Theory and Practice, The Mahatma and the Poet: Letters and Debates between Gandhi and Tagore, Financial Foundations of the British Raj.
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