A newlywed in a heart-shaped balloon
Rising, uplifting, waiting to be popped
A bachelor in his fishbowl
Swimming in circles, solitude unlocked
A migrant in a darkroom
Abandoned and outdated
A labourer in a ketchup bottle
Squeezed until the last drop
Are you like
A family in a 3BHK terrarium
Discovering boredom within opulence
An expectant mother in Aladdin’s lamp
A rub away from magic
A medical worker in a toy claw machine
Dreading who’s next
A loner in his vault
Signed, sealed, deferred
A yogi in her snow globe
Just a shake away from shiny
A puppy in a bubble
Happiest in suspended space-time
A teenager in a pressure cooker
A seeti away from overcooked
An over-thinker in her zorb-ball
Bouncing endlessly, like her thoughts
Maybe you’re like
A fiancé in a glass cloche
Waiting to be served
A YouTuber in a seed
Thriving like an early bird
A best friend in a soda can
Bursting for hugs
An economist in a morgue
Resting in, please
We’re all just
Strangers in an hourglass
Sand particles, waiting for a miracle drug
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